Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Overview 2022

We are proud to present the freshly launched Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Overview 2022, which has been prepared by the KPMG Baltics Deals team and the Baltic VCAs and presents the 4th edition of the report.

Highlights in numbers:
  • 2.2B EUR raised since 2010
  • 298M EUR raised in 2022
  • 1.1B EUR dry powder as of the end of 2022
  • 212M EUR amount invested into Baltic companies in 2022
  • 222 deals closed during 2022
  • 50 exits made in 2022
  • 69M EUR outbound investments in 2022 alone
  • 153 investments outside of the Baltics in 2022
>> View the report here:

>> View the report event launch recording HERE