DEAL TALKS: Maciej Kopanski of BaltCap talks about the largest PPP for the construction of local road lighting in Poland

10 December 2020
EstVCA member BaltCap has announced that its portfolio company IZIM inaugurated a public-private partnership (PPP) agreement with the municipality of Kobylnica to design, build and maintain modern road lighting in 12 towns. Our DEAL TALKS reflect a chat with Maciej Kopanski, the Investment Director of BaltCap Infrastructure Fund, to learn a bit more about the investment.

1. What makes the project unique?
The project is the largest local government investment in street lighting under a public-private partnership in Poland (worth PLN 12 million gross in total). For BaltCap Infrastructure Fund it is the first PPP in street lighting.

2. What is the contribution of BaltCap and its investment?
BaltCap portfolio company IZIM will design, finance, build and maintain energy-efficient LED lighting along municipal roads within the municipality of Kobylnica. More than 800 modern LED lighting fittings along approximately 30km of roads will be installed. According to the agreement, design and construction works will be completed over the next 12 months. IZIM is also responsible for maintaining this infrastructure during the next 12 years.

3. Impact of the investment
The investment will enhance the safety and comfort of Koblynica residents. In addition, the energy-efficient LED-lighting solution will have a positive environmental impact and ease the municipal budget.

4. Key advisors of the deal
Our advisor was CMS team, lead by Marcin Bejm.

  • Read more about the investment HERE

Further information:
Maciej Kopański
Investment Director

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